Will you visit us during CAR FREE SUNDAY on September 17 in Brussels? From 11h till 19h you can find our Mobilise stand on the Boulevard du Waterloo between the two roundabouts: Louise and l'homme de l'Atlantis.
What can you expect?
- The representation of five projects: Urban Transit Lab, Remobilise, MASTERCOM, Cairgobike and TANDEM
- Our brand new magazine
- Goodies
- Games about mobility for children
- An activity about the future of mobility in Brussels
- Cultureghem foodbike with pancakes
- Possibility to win some incredible prizes such as a Sesame key box and the game '1000 Kilometers'
- and many many more!
Next to our stand during the whole car free sunday, we are also organising a small kick-off event to launch the European Mobility Week from 10h till 12h15 at Brussels Perspective (10 min walk from our stand: Rue de Namur 59). The European Mobility Week is the flagship campain of the European Comission in the field of sustainable urban mobility, supporting behaviour change in our town and cities. Therefore Brussels Minister of Mobility Elke Van den Brand, new Director General of DG MOVE Magda Kopczynska and several members of the European Comission will join.
9h30: Welcome breakfast
10h: Director General of DG MOVE Magda Kopczynska, Join EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK and Save Energy!
10h15: Minister Elke Van den Brandt - Good Move and Car-Free Sunday
10h45: Professor Cathy Macharis & Professor Imre Keserü - Skills as enablers of a more equitable mobility system
11h15: Small Reception
To join the kick off event, registration is mandatory. Please click here to register.
Hope to see you at Car Free Sunday!