New Phd: Valeska Engesser has defended her thesis on autonomous delivery robots
On 4th March 2025, Valeska Engesser successfully defended her PhD thesis titled "The Perception of Autonomous Delivery Robots as a Future Delivery Solution" at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.Brochure Remobilise
The Remobilise brochure is now available. Read it digitally or request your paper copy with . Design: Thomas Van Herck Photos ยฉ Lieke LenaertsCar-free sunday
Every day car-free Sunday? Remobilise presents the vision of residents on mobility. We reflect on a successful and creative Remobilise afternoon in September.10 aanbevelingen voor de ontwikkeling van mobility hubs
Van maart 2021 tot februari 2024 heeft het Europees project SmartHubs de impact geanalyseerd van de ontwikkeling van "mobility hubs": specifieke plaatsen op de openbare weg waar burgers kunnen kiezen uit verschillende gedeelde en duurzame mobiliteitsoplossingen.Shift2Zero
In this European project we are assessing the acceptance of new emission-free delivery vehicles. Via simulations models we are also quantifying the expected impact and scaling possibilities.NECTAR 2024 Conference
We are very happy to have hosted the NECTAR 2024 Conference that took place from 3 to 5 July in Brussels! The topic was on โStakeholder involvement in transport: Who, why, how and with what impact?โ. With 140 international participants we exchanged insights during three days.Survey Remobilise project
The Remobilise research project is evaluating the impact of different policies for different stakeholders in Brussels. For the evaluation there is a short survey (max 5 minutes) to gain insight in which criteria are important for different stakeholders in the evaluation.7 straffe impactcijfers na 7 jaar Green Deals
Van 4 keer meer autodelers tot 2,3 miljoen bespaarde liters water in Vlaanderen. Ontdek de resultaten van 7 jaar Green Deals in 7 krachtige cijfers!Akkoord emissievrije stedelijke distributie in Vlaanderen
๐๐ฒ๐ป ๐บ๐ถ๐ท๐น๐ฝ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐น ๐ถ๐ป ๐ฑ๐ฒ ๐ฟ๐ถ๐ฐ๐ต๐๐ถ๐ป๐ด ๐๐ฎ๐ป ๐ฒ๐บ๐ถ๐๐๐ถ๐ฒ๐๐ฟ๐ถ๐ท๐ฒ ๐๐๐ฒ๐ฑ๐ฒ๐น๐ถ๐ท๐ธ๐ฒ ๐ฑ๐ถ๐๐๐ฟ๐ถ๐ฏ๐๐๐ถ๐ฒ ๐ถ๐ป ๐ฉ๐น๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ป๐ฑ๐ฒ๐ฟ๐ฒ๐ป! Samen met The New Drive en Rebel begeleidde Mobilise de studie en het stakeholderproces dat resulteerde in de ondertekening van de kaderovereenkomst voor emissievrije stedelijke distributie.New book: 'Land of Hope'
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new book, "Land of Hopeโ! A collaboration between experts, pioneers and students creating together a new story for a sustainable world. This book is a beacon of hope and an invitation to imagine and work towards a brighter future for our planet.EWG-DSS Award
The annual 'EWG-DSS Award' chooses the best and most innovative among submitted and presented work by students or young researchers during the ICDSS conference.CodeZero
Mobilise is participating in the new EU project called CodeZero and started on June 1st. CodeZero is a three-year project aiming to co-create sustainable and zero-emission last-mile delivery and return solution for e-commerce that are also attractive to consumers.Hop&Mop4 + Cityscape - Transitioning towards sustainable mobility through co-creation with children: the case of miniblocks
This study aims to develop and analyse the co-creation of a prototype of 'miniblocks' around school streets in three Austrian cities.European Senior Policy Meeting
Within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, we co-organized together with Departement MOW of the Flemish Government a two-day event for senior policy makers and the European Commission. Together we brainstormed on the transition towards sustainable logistics.Tussentijds rapport Green Deal Stadslogistiek
De Green Deal voor een emissiearme Stadslogistiek in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest werd officieel ondertekend op 19 april 2023.Best poster award at mobil.TUM 2024
Congratulations to our colleague Juliana Betancur Arenas! Juliana has won the best poster award at the mobil.TUM 2024 conference! The poster is about: Unlocking cargo bikesโ potential for sustainable mobility and logistics in the Brussels capital region. Have a look at it here...Final Report SmartHubs
The Final Report of the SmartHubs project is out! Find out the 10 recommendations for policy makers and practitioners to make mobility hubs smarter. Have a look at the final report here...Launch House of Sustainable Transitions
Today is the official launch of the House of Sustainable Transitions (HOST). This interdisciplinary platform, coordinated by professor Cathy Macharis, gathers more than 200 scientists from diverse disciplines to formulate answers to sustainability issues.Een terugblik na 4 jaar Green Deal
Al meer dan 4 jaar werken we aan de Green Deal Duurzame Stedelijke Logistiek. In die tijd hebben we kennis opgedaan die we graag delen. Want kennis delen, dat is รฉรฉn van de belangrijkste manieren om samen te groeien.Recap TANDEM citizens' panel
On February 17th, the first citizens' panel on the ban fossil-fuel vehicles in the Brussels Capital Region was held at our Mobilise office!New project: DREAMS
Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood Transformations In the DREAMS project we are exploring, through co-created and user-centric mobility services, mobility and flexible activity hubs, how we can actively contribute to creating accessible, sustainable, and inclusive 15mC neighb...Completion of the MASTERCOM course
Mobilise is glad to announce the successful completion of the 1st edition of the MASTERCOM course it co-developed with FACTUAL, Tractebel Engie and Nemi. Development of the course was supported by EIT Urban Mobility. The prime focus of the course is on sustainable company travel plans.KitCo
The KitCo project has kicked off, which aims to bring together multiple deliveries into a single packaging unit, such as a pallet, in the construction industry. Mobilise will be conducting an impact analysis to assess the effects of this innovation. The project will run until July 2026.Q-MAP - Beyond Boundaries: Queer Mobilities and Spatial Practices in Brussels
This project aims to explore and map the mobility experiences and spatial practices of queer people in Brussels through focus groups and visual methods such as mapping and visual harvesting to establish a Brussels case study that can provide comparative insights withe the case studies from earlier r...Blog: Car-free zones; How do they affect the last mile logistics?
The most challenging part of the logistics chain has always been the end: reaching consumers directly. It's a step that urbanists refer to as the last mile, and it became a first priority for customers and businesses alike as the demand for e-commerce escalated with the Covid-19 pandemic.SmartHubs Accessibility Tool
We are introducing the SmartHubs ๐๐๐๐๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐๐ข๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ฅ in our brand-new deliverable! The Accessibility Tool is a user-friendly planning tool designed for hashtag planners and hashtagp ractitioners to assess and develop hashtag mobility hashtag hubs !DREAMS - Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighborhood Transformations
The project aims to examine how co-created and user-centric mobility services, mobility and flexible activity hubs can contribute to accessible, sustainable and inclusive 15mC neighborhoods in urban outskirts in European cities and regions.VUB pioniert met duurzaamheidsleerlijn in economische opleidingen
Duurzaam ondernemen zou vanzelfsprekend moeten zijn, vooral door de dringende nood om de economieรซn wereldwijd te transformeren om de klimaatdoelstellingen te behalen. Toch lijkt duurzaamheid in vele opleidingen slechts hoogstens een keuzevak te zijn.CO2 validation tool
Postal operators will be obliged to report their CO2 emissions to BIPT and to the public. To avoid greenwashing, we developed a CO2 calculation tool for BIPT that allows them to check the validity of the reported emissions.Survey H2020 project TANDEM
As part of the H2020 project, we are conducting research on the ban of fossil-fuel cars by 2035. We therefore invite you to fill out our survey.Een terugblik na 4 jaar Green Deal
De Vlaamse regering wil dat haar steden vanaf 2025 emissieprijs beleverd worden.Smartdrop is looking for retailers and companies to calculate the impact of their e-commerce deliveries
Are you a retailer or a company that would like to have more insight in the impact of your e-commerce deliveries? With Smartdrop, you can calculate the full impact of parcel deliveries on our society.Intentieverklaring emissievrije stedelijke distributie
Intentieverklaring emissievrije stedelijke distributie - Vlaanderen zal regelgeving uitwerken in overleg met lokale besturen en transportsector...MASTERCOM - Mastering Sustainable Commute Plans
The MASTERCOM training provides the necessary knowledge and tools to mobility managers to create sustainable commuting strategies and travel plans for their companies, based on the latest academic and practice-based knowledge.Toolkit sustainable e-commerce
Local governments often donโt know how to govern e-commerce deliveries on their territory.Lancering e-commerce toolkit
Op 18 oktober werd de nieuwe e-commerce toolkit officieel ingehuldigd in Gent tijdens het slotevenement. Deze toolkit werd ontwikkeld door VUB Mobilise, Fishermen en onderzoeksgroepen LEPUR en HEC van de Universiteit van Luik in opdracht van kabinet Petra De Sutter.SmartHubs Stakeholder Workshop in Brussels
The SmartHubs Stakeholders Workshop, a collaborative effort between Brussels Mobility, Mobilise and Mpact, brought together 41 participants from governmental, public, private and non-profit organisations.Online pakjes hebben maatschappelijke kost van 188 miljoen euro per jaar
Handelsfederatie Comeos brengt met tool Smartdrop de oplossing Elke dag worden ongeveer 1 miljoen online pakketjes geleverd in ons land. Thuis, op het werk, in een afhaalpunt, in lockers of in de winkel, de opties worden talrijker.Smartdrop
With Smartdrop, an initiative of Comeos, developed by Mobilise with the support of VIL, you can calculate the full impact of parcel deliveries on our society.New book release: Time Reveals Everything - A glimpse into the hourglass of time use research
Through this link you can read the new open access book: Time Reveals Everything - A glimpse into the hourglass of time use research by Theun Pieter van Tienoven, Joeri Minnen and Bram Spruyt. Synopsis How people spend their time says a lot about the organisation of their daily lives.Call for papers: Transportation Planning and Technology
This Special Issue of Transportation Planning and Technology focuses on urban logistics and its facilities in terms of environmental and/or societal sustainability, related real estate developments and innovations, and the urban planning policies and practices which may be put in place to support th...Brussels Urban Transit Lab
It is a participatory media, communication and research project designed to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable modes of mobility, focusing on walking and public transport as a vital dimension of a walkable city and core feature of sustainable urban development.VUB introduces new sustainability initiatives in economic programs
The Faculty of Social Sciences and Solvay Business School at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel is taking significant steps to embed sustainability in its curriculum and activities.Emission-free urban distribution
Together with REBEL, MOBI and The New Drive, we drafted the agreement to introduce zero-emission zones for urban distribution in Flemish cities, including common ambitions and policy measures.Training programme: Citizens on the Move
A hands-on course for civil servants to engage with citizens on mobility topics Citizens on the Move is a newly developed training programme to boost the capacities of city governments to engage with their citizens and other stakeholders on the sustainability mobility transition. The training...Mobilise schept precedent voor toekomst van mobiliteit in Brussel
Brusselse regering gaat aan de slag met voorstellen van mobiliteitshub De onderzoeksgroep VUB Mobilise werkte samen met de gemeente Anderlecht en Mpact vier ontwerpen van mobiliteitshubs uit en de inwoners van de regio kregen inspraak om te stemmen op het beste ontwerp.Charter Sustainable E-commerce deliveries
The Federal cabinet De Sutter asked us, together with Fishermen and Bond Beter Leefmilieu, to bring together all actors in the e-commerce sector and to align them on the development of a sustainability charter for the sector.SSH CENTRE project: Release of 13 info sheets and 10 literature briefs
Mobilise is one of the partners in the EU Horizon Europe SSH CENTRE (Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence) project.NEW: Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight
The handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight has just been released! It provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of city logistics and urban freight research with insights on the key theories, themes and pressing issues common to urban and metropolitan landscapes. Prof.New training program MASTERCOM
Great news for companies striving for sustainability and happy employees because we are delighted to introduce the new training program MASTERCOM (MASTERing sustainable COMmute planning).Josรฉphine Mariquivoi and Juliana Betancur Arenas awarded for their research
Congratulations to our colleague Josรฉphine Mariquivoi and Juliana Betancur Arenas! Josรฉphine has been awarded the Ladyss and Institut pour la Ville et le Commerce 2023 prize, in recognition of the research work carried out within the Logistics City Chair supervised by Heleen Bul...Nieuw boek: Een vraag naar waarheid
Denktank POINcarรฉ stelt met trots het nieuwe boek โEen vraag naar waarheidโ voor. Verschillende VUB-onderzoekers hebben zich elk op hun manier over het thema โwaarheidโ gebogen.Survey Remobilise project
With the Remobilise project, we aim to make mobility in Brussels more resilient to the future. In the first phase of the project, we developed four scenarios for the future of urban mobility by 2050 (you can read all about them here).Novel decision-support system: MAMCABM
Mobilise dove into the realm of mobility decision-making, where reliance on data and the need to manage uncertainty is growing rapidly. This led us to develop MAMCABM, a novel decision-support system.Call for projects
Our Mobilise research group is coordinating a new call for collaborative projects to support the Green Deal Urban Logistics in Brussels managed by Brussels Environment and Brussels Mobility. Deadline for project submissions is 22 September 2023. Click here for more info.New project: Urban Transit Lab
Each year, the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies funds several projects led by VUB research groups and researchers.Call for Application - Knowledge Brokerage Programme for Early to Mid Career Researchers
The SSH CENTRE project (where Mobilise is one of the consortium members) is funding 30 PhD and Early to Mid Career Researchers working in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to participate in an SSH knowledge brokerage initiative for policymaking on themes of climate, energy, and mob...LOGIBAT: the new TCO tool voor e-trucks
Together with the electromobility research centre MOBI, we collaborated on the development of a new TCO tool for electric trucks: LOGIBAT.Logibat
Electric trucks will contribute to the transition towards emission-free logistics. Together with MOBI, we developed for VIL a total-cost-of-ownership calculation tool [link toevoegen] which is free accessible for all actors.New publication: Building scenarios for urban mobility in 2030
Mobilise researchers Sara Tori, Geert te Boveldt and Imre Keserรผ developed a novel mixed method, participatory scenario building approach to incorporate the uncertainty into decision making.Tweede editie 30 Dagen Minder Wagen
Na een succesvolle eerste editie vorig jaar lanceert Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit opnieuw de campagne 30 Dagen Minder Wagen. Deze campagne spoort Vlamingen aan om tijdens de maand juni zoveel mogelijk de wagen aan de kant te laten staan.Call for papers: NECTAR Cluster 1
Together with Cosmopolis and NECTAR Cluster 1, we are organizing a workshop on 'Beyond Cost-Benefit Analysis: Methodological and Theoretical Advancements in Transport Appraisal'.Funding call - Book Chapter Contributions from Interdisciplinary Collaborations
The SSH CENTRE (project where Mobilise is part of the consortium) is funding 30 new interdisciplinary collaborative teams up to โฌ 7,500 to develop a single policy or governance recommendation related to the EU Green Dealโs commitments on climate, energy or mobility.New episode Urban Mobility Changemakers Podcast
Listen to the new episode of the Urban Mobility Changemakers Podcast! In this episode Cathy Macharis and Imre Keserรผ look back on the Urban Mobility Changemaker Bootcamp that was organised in November last year and talk about the Factor 8 as a way of driving the transition ...New book release: 'Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 3'
The new open access Springer book "Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 3: Making Digital Mobility Inclusive and Accesible" is a must read for anyone who is interested in accessible and inclusive digital (shared) mobility!Exploratory mobility scenarios for Brussels in 2050
Remobilise has reached an important milestone! The development of explorative scenarios for the future of urban mobility in Brussels has come to an end. In December 2022, we held participatory workshops to develop the scenario narratives.STREETFORUM - Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools
The project is developing the StreetForum Toolkit to help urban authorities, citizens and civic organisations to build consensus around street transformation projects affecting accessibility in urban neighborhoods.Designing a mobility point for Cureghem
Between October 2022 and February 2023, Mobilise VUB, Mpact and the municipality of Anderlecht descended on the Place du Conseil in Cureghem, a very diverse and multicultural neighbourhood just a stone's throw from Brussels Midi Station, Belgium's largest railway hub. Their goal?Call for papers: NECTAR Cluster 3
Together with the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the NECTAR Cluster 3, we are organizing a workshop on 'Delivering Just Sustainabilities: Green and Equitable Transitions in Last-Mile Logistics'.VUB reikt zes eredoctoraten uit
De Vrije Universiteit Brussel reikt later dit jaar zes eredoctoraten uit aan baanbrekende wetenschappers en maatschappelijk eรซngageerde persoonlijkheden.New course: Last Mile Logistics
Enrol to the new course: Last Mile Logistics! In this course you will: Understand the importance of the last mile in urban logistics. Learn from best practices and smart solutions that make the last mile sustainable. Get recommendations on how to proceed with...Sign up for the course: Decision Support for Sustainability
Enhance your knowledge with this flexible course!Survey SmartHubs project
Contribute to the design of new mobility hubs in your city by filling out the survey of the SmartHubs project! And ideal mobility hub design takes into account the needs and desires of the citizens and that's why we need your help within the SmartHubs project. If you live...New publication: Reactions of the public transport sector to the COVID-19 pandemic. Insights from Belgium
The final version of the article 'Reactions of the public transport sector to the COVID-19 pandemic. Insights from Belgium.' is now available online!Results Remobilise workshops
Credits: Judith Du Faux During the month of December, Remobilise organised three participatory workshops with stakeholders to develop the future(s) of mobility in Brussels by 2050.New project: STREETFORUM
Mobilise will be the consortium leader of the project STREETFORUM, starting in March 2023.The project will develop the StreetForum Toolkit to help urban authorities, citizens and civic organisations to build consensus around street transformation projects affecting accessibility in urban neighbourho...New project: MASTERCOM
The MASTERCOM project (Mastering Sustainable Commute Plans) will run for 1 year, starting in January 2023.MAAS - Developement of an evaluation methodology for a sustainable Mobility-as-a-Service
This study investigated the possible societal impacts of three possible MaaS business models in the context of Belgium. Utilizing the Stakeholder-based Impact Scoring (SIS) method, we engaged 21 stakeholders to collect their insights on impact factors and their relative importance.Koen Mommens wint Paul De Vroede Prijs
Gefeliciteerd aan onze collega Koen Mommens voor het winnen van de Paul De Vroede Prijs! Deze prijs wordt elk jaar uitgereikt door het Wetenschappelijk Steunfonds van de VUB ter ondersteuning van doctoraatsonderzoek met maatschappelijke relevantie in de humane wetenschappen. Dit jaar mochten dr.Call for Logistics Players: Try the Latest Innovations in Planning and Booking
Do you know what Physical Internet (PI, or ฯ) is? It is the latest concept of logistic innovation. Being a part of it, you can enjoy the benefits of optimised and automated logistic services, and your privacy is protected in a decentralised system.Discover the INDIMO Inclusive Digital Mobility Toolbox
On December 31 the INDIMO project is coming to its end.Book Factor 8 now available in English!
Great news! Cathy's book 'Met een Factor 8 naar de mobiliteit van de toekomst' has now been translated to English! Still looking for a gift? Just in time before the holidays! Buy now!Boek Duurzaam online shoppen wint De Bewustmaker-prijs in Nederland
Het doctoraatsonderzoek van Heleen Buldeo Rai 'Duurzaam online shoppen' heeft de Bewustmaker-prijs gekregen van de jury van de PIM Marketing literatuur Prijs 2022 in Nederland. Ze noemen het โeen boek dat alle e-commerce managers zouden moeten lezenโ. In haar doctoraatsonderzoek...New release: Transitioning to a circular economy
Read of the week! The book "Transitioning to a circular economy" has been published online and is freely accessible on the O pen Acces platform now!New Horizon Europe project: TANDEM
Mobilise is one of the seven partners of the new Horizon Europe project TANDEM.Lancering Smartdrop project
Vorige week vond de Mercuriusprijs 2022 van Comeos plaats in Brussel expo.Addressing the 'home' in home delivery - A placemaking approach to optimise e-commerce activities and improve residential areas.
Here is a summary of the text in 7 sentences: The goal of this project is to develop a strategy for optimizing e-commerce deliveries and returns in residential areas, taking into account the urban-rural continuum and environmental impacts of different supply chains.New methodological approach to derive construction-related truck kilometres on city level
Mobilise developed a methodological approach to derive construction-related truck kilometres on city level, based on algorithmic and geospatial analyses of GPS data.New Horizon Europe project: SSH CENTRE
Mobilise is a partner in the Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy and Transport Research Excellence (SSH CENTRE) project that was launched in September 2022. The project will engage directly with stakeholders across research, policy, and business (including citizens) to...New course: Data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning
With help and contributions from a number of CIVITAS projects, CIVITAS ELEVATE has developed e-courses for urban transport professionals on a diversity of topics connected to sustainable urban mobility planning.Mobility is a serious game
Speel nu het mobiliteitsspel 'Mobility is a serious game'! Het mobiliteitsspel is een initiatief van Koen De Maesschalck (Colruyt Group), Cathy Macharis (Mobilise VUB), Karin De Schepper (Inland Navigation Europe en CleanAirBXL), Miguel Vertriest (Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit), Guiber...Emission Free parcel deliveries in Brussels
Over the next three years, VUB Mobilise and bpost will join forces toward a zero-carbon energy future. The goal of this project is to support bpost in the shift towards zero emission parcel deliveries in Brussels.STUNT - Strong Sustainability Appraisal for Transport
In STUNT we rethink appraisal through an in-depth exploration of sustainability and justice principles, draw empirical lessons from a systematic study of actual decision making, and experiment with alternative methods in real-world cases.Schoolkinderen helpen VUB-onderzoekers om de schoolbuurt veiliger te maken
De wijk Vogelenzang in de gemeente Anderlecht telt drie basisscholen en รฉรฉn hele grote middelbare school. Alles samen gaan er elke dag bijna 1500 leerlingen naar de klas en dat leidt tot verkeersonveilige situaties.Deelnemers โ30 Dagen Minder Wagenโ vragen meer duurzame mobiliteit
Onderzoek met VUB-professor Cathy Macharis Op de laatste dag van de Week van de Mobiliteit (16-22 september) ontvangt Vlaams minister van Mobiliteit Lydia Peeters concrete beleidsaanbevelingen om de drempels voor meer duurzame mobiliteit weg te werken.TANDEM - Just Transition Policies Co-Created with Communities
TANDEM's main objective to develop a transdisciplinary approach to identify and analyse emerging inequalities of low-carbon transition policies and co-design equitable, just and effective alternative transition pathways with stakeholders.SSH Centre - Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy and Transport Research Excellence
The project directly engages with stakeholders across research, policy, an business (including citizens) to strengthen social innovation, SSH-STEM (Social Sciences and Humanities - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) collaboration, transdisciplinary policy advice, inclusive engagement,Parcel lockers in Belgium
Parcel lockers can contribute to a more efficient and more sustainable delivery system, but there are prerequisites.Roadmap Sustainable Logistics
We developed a roadmap for Bond Beter Leefmilieu in which we researched 21 measures or actions to improve the sustainability of logistics in Flanders and to (try to) reach the climate goals.Vogelenzang - Co-creating a school street zone in Anderlecht
The aim of the project was to develop a methodology for the co-design of a school street zone that takes into account the needs and priorities of all affected stakeholders, namely the schoolchildren, parents, schoolteachers, and local residents.
- Practical info-
Transitie Retreat (Dutch)
Gun jezelf de tijd om jouw bijdrage tot de transitie die de wereld nodig heeft, te
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Transition Bootcamp
Join the Transition Bootcamp that will take place on 14 and 15 October in Brussels.
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STREETFORUM activities
As summer begins, the StreetForum living labs are kicking off their activities to try out the tools in Brussels, Vienna, Stockholm and Istanbul.&nbs
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6th Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilitรฉ (RTFM)
As part of the 6th Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilitรฉ (RTFM) to be held in Brussels from June 26 to 28, 2024, we are pleased to share with you this call for papers for the session entitled 'Delivering and transporting by cargo bike: players, infrastructure and issues'. - Practical info-
In 2024, Transport Research Arena (TRA) takes place in Dublin, Ireland from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 April. The theme for TRA2024 is 'Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility'. - Practical info-
mobil.TUM 2024
We are glad to announce that mobil.TUM 2024 - The Future of Mobility and Urban Spance conference will take place from 10 to 12 April 2024 in Munich. - Practical info-
Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen
Op 21 en 22 maart 2024 vindt de 29e editie van de Vervoerslogistieke Werkdagen plaats in Tegelen. - Practical info-
Mobility Talks
Welke evoluties vinden plaats in het mobiliteitslandschap in 2024? Up-to-date blijven is vaak een kunst. Daarom nodigt Olympus Mobility je graag uit voor Mobility Talks.
- Practical info-
Op 8 maart organiseert Esri Belux een STUDENT DAY in samenwerking met Digitaal Vlaanderen. Dit evenement gaat door in het Hendrik Consciencegebouw, vlakbij het Brusselse Noordstation. Deze dag wordt gevuld met uiteenlopende GIS inspiratie uit verschillende domeinen.
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Rethinking mobility to work for a more sustainable future
Embark on a transformative exploration of sustainable urban mobility at our upcoming event!
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The EU on a mission: rethinking governance and policymaking - SSH CENTRE
We are delighted to invite you to join our upcoming Policy Insight 'The EU on a mission: rethink governance and policymaking' which will be held in Brussels on Tuesday 30 January 2024 from 12:30 to 14:00.
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Brusselse Green Deal voor een Emissiearme Stadslogistiek
Op 23 januari 2024 organiseert Mobilise een netwerkevenement voor de leden van de Green Deal waarbij we ons focussen op het thema stedelijke hubs.
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Slotevent Green Deal Duurzame Stedelijke Logistiek
Op 11 december organiseren we in Mechelen een feestelijk slotevent van onze Green Deal Duurzame Stedelijke Logistiek. - Practical info-
11th Child in The City Conference
Brussels, the centre of European democracy, will be the host city for this year's 11th Child in the City World Conference.
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IOF-TTO Event: Innovatie & impact - uitdagingen in een snel veranderende wereld
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change, that lives within the means available and works co-operatively against common threats. " - Charles Darwin
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The future of work - How can we encourage sustainable commuting?
Did you know that commuting patterns are currently responsible for more than 20% of CO2 emissions in Europe? It's time to take action!
Discover Sustainable Solutions and advance toward the Future of Work!
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Conferentie voor een Rechtvaardige Transitie in Belgiรซ
Hoe kunnen we werknemers actief in vervuilende industrieรซn ondersteunen in hun transitie naar een duurzame job? Welk beleid moeten we voeren zodat landbouwers een eerlijke prijs voor hun producten krijgen en tegelijk kunnen opereren binnen de planetaire grenzen?
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Charging the future: slimme laadoplossingen voor de logistieke sector
Vlaanderen en de logistieke sector zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verweven. De tienduizend logistieke spelers รฉn beleidsmakers staan voor een enorme uitdaging: een snelle transitie naar klimaatneutraliteit van de transportsector.
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The Brussels2030 Summer Assembly
The Brussels2030 Summer Assembly will take place from 28 June to 2 July and is one of the first steps in preparing the candidacy of Brussels as European Capital of Culture in 2030.
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2nd UCB-SBSEM Business & Society Symposium: Overcoming barriers for a more inclusive, equitable and green society
We are pleased to invite you to the second Business & Society Symposium, a day of multi- stakeholder collaboration and learning with inspiring speeches, interactive workshops, and training with experienced facilitators to equip participants with critical tools to ensure collaboration is an ef
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E-commerce opleiding duurzaamheid
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Innovation Lab: Shaping the future of innovation for the next century!
The fourth edition of the Innovation Lab carries the title Shaping the future of innovation for next century and will take place in Brussels on the 9th of June, from 09:00 a.m.
- Practical info-
Workshop: Co-Creation Practices & Technologies for Open Urban Planning
The objective of this workshop is to unite researchers and practitioners in the field of C&T, which includes urban planners, co-creation facilitators, and representatives from municipalities who have an interest in co-creation practices, techniques, tools, and technologies for open urban plan
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Waarheid en wetenschap: een VUB-boekvoorstelling met lezing van minister Robbert Dijkgraaf
De Vrije Universiteit Brussel nodigt u vriendelijk uit voor de voorstelling van het boek โDe vraag naar waarheidโ, gevolgd door een lezing van de bekende fysicus en huidige Nederlandse minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap Robbert Dijkgraaf.
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URBANIZED webinar: Exploring land use, compatibility & mixity of functions, and the role of LEVs in urban logistics
The H2020 project URBANIZED is organising a webinar on 'Exploring land use, compatibility & mixity of functions, and the role of LEVs in urban logistics'. This webinar will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023, 11:00-12:30
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Met een Factor 8 naar de Mobiliteit van de Toekomst
De gevolgen van de klimaatverandering zien we elke dag. De impact van de ongebreidelde uitstoot van broeikasgassen is duidelijk waarneembaar en meetbaar. De sector van mobiliteit en transport is wereldwijd verantwoordelijk voor รฉรฉn vierde van de uitstoot.
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Webinar: Reimagining fulfilment and last-mile delivery
Radical transformation of last-mile delivery is underway. The purpose of this webinar is to shed light on key areas in reshaping delivery services.
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Klimaat bootcamp 2023
De toestand van ons klimaat: Wat kunnen we doen?
Inspiratie nodig voor een klimaatneutrale organisatie? Spijker je kennis bij in 2 dagen!
Welke rol is er voor organisaties en bedrijven weggelegd in de klimaattransitie?
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CATAPULT, SmartHubs and JUSTICE conference
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SPROUT final conference: Understanding the transition in urban mobility to navigate future policy
The final conference of the SPROUT project will take place on 17 February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
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RTR Conference
The RTR Conference is back in Brussels from the 14th till the 16th of February this year!
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Mobilise leads a co-creation process to design a mobility hub in Anderlecht
The municipality of Anderlecht, Mobilise VUB and Mpact Asbl organise a public event on February 6th to conclude the co-creation process that took place in Raadsplein (Kuregem) in 2022, as part of the SmartHubs project.
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ULI Philadelphia: Sustainable Warehouse Forum, Part II
ULI Philadelplhia is organising its second event of three-part series in partnership with Green Building United on the 26th of January. The event focuses on warehouse development with an emphasis on sustainable design and construction strategies.
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Co-creating the shift to clean mobility | SSH CENTRE Launch
We are delighted to invite you to participate to the official launch of the SSH CENTRE project, to be held January 25th, 2023.
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Transport Research Board Annual Meeting 2023
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting is being held from January 8โ12, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
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Info Sessions Sustainability course
The micro-credential Sustainability is the first course really aimed at an audience outside the university and offers entrepreneurs the chance to learn about sustainable policies. Participants can receive micro-credentials for this, which are expressed as credits on a certificate.
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Lezing: Ons verplaatsen in de toekomst? Klimaatvriendelijk en voor iedereen!
In kader van het Pajotse project Klimaatsofa vindt op 15 december de lezing 'Ons verplaatsen in de toekomst? Klimaatvriendelijk en voor iedereen!' plaats.
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Workshops Remobilise project
Do you like to think about urban mobility? Then come and talk to us about it!
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Urban Mobility Changemaker Bootcamp
With Factor 8 towards zero-emission urban mobility and logistics
Discover and discuss the latest challenges and possible solutions in urban mobility and logistics.
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TRIPS, INDIMO, and DIGNITY Joint Final Conference
On the 7th of December the Joint Final Conference of three Horizon 2020-funded projects will take place! One of these projects is INDIMO (Mobilise is one of the partners).
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Congres PROJECT2800: Drivers Voor De Ondernemer Van Morgen
Het Mechelse ondernemersplatform Project2800 organiseert op donderdag 27 oktober zijn derde congres: 'Drivers Voor De Ondernemer Van Morgen'. Tijdens het eerste deel is er een hoofdrol weggelegd voor de vier sprekers van de avond.
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Mercuriusprijs 2022 & Innovation Talks
De uitreiking van de Mercuriusprijs 2022 gaat dit jaar door op 26 oktober in Brussel! Daarnaast gaat Comeos dit jaar verder dan enkel en alleen prijzen uitdelen. Vier sprekers dompelen u vanaf 15u30 onder in de laatste innovatietrends in de retail.
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Inspiratiedag duurzame mobiliteit 2022: Gedrag in verandering
Hoe evolueren we naar meer duurzame mobiliteit, wat zijn de drempels en hoe kunnen we die wegwerken? Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit zoomt tijdens de inspiratiedag 'gedrag in verandering' in op vervoersmodi en verplaatsingsmotieven.
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With a factor 8 to the mobility system of the future
NN Investment Partnersโ Sustainable Investment Summer Course is moving to Brussels for the fifth lecture in the series, with Professor Cathy Macharis from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel giving her talk at 15.00 CET on 20 September.
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Looper - Learning Loops in the Public Realm
In the Learning Loops in the Public Realm (Looper) project (2017-2020) we developed a methodology and toolkit for co-creation for interventions in the public realm.