Mobilise dove into the realm of mobility decision-making, where reliance on data and the need to manage uncertainty is growing rapidly. This led us to develop MAMCABM, a novel decision-support system. MAMCABM integrates Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) and Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), creating a comprehensive tool for decision-making under uncertainties. It allows stakeholders to thoroughly evaluate and compare alternatives using different criteria with data support from ABM, all while managing uncertainties in the decision-making process. Dr He Huang and Shiqi Sun put MAMCABM to the demonstration with an interesting real-life case – the street next to our Vrije Universiteit Brussel campus. For the detailed discussion and results, be sure to check out the complete paper of dr. He Huang, Shiqi Sun, Lina Liu, Prof. dr. Koen Mommens and Prof. dr. Cathy Macharis : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-32534-2_7