Participatory foresight
Participatory foresight is an approach to strategic planning and future-oriented decision-making that actively involves a diverse range of stakeholders in the process of exploring and shaping the future. Unlike traditional foresight methods, which may rely heavily on expert analysis and predictions, participatory foresight emphasizes inclusivity, collaboration, and the integration of multiple perspectives to address complex, long-term challenges.
We have developed the Cross Impact Scenario Policy Analysis tool based on the cross-impact balance analysis method. CRISPA ensures consistency of scenarios based on a combination of external factors influencing the mobility system and combines these factors into consistent scenarios, i.e. scenarios that do not present an internal contradiction in their storyline. The scenarios are then developed into narratives and images to make communication with stakeholders more inclusive. The method was developed in the Remobilise project where we developed 4 scenarios for the future of mobility in Brussels.
Our participatory foresight approach was developed and demonstrated in the SPROUT and the Mobility4EU projects Horizon 2020 funded projects where we developed scenarios for the future of mobility in Europe.