Prof. dr. Cathy Macharis
Cathy Macharis is a full professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in the Faculty of Economics. She has a passion for the transition to a more sustainable world. She is coordinating the research group Mobilise, where more than 40 engaged researchers and staff study and support the acceleration of the transition towards a sustainable and inclusive mobility system. She has published more than 100 articles in scientific journals and 11 books. In 2020 she wrote the book “Met een Factor 8 naar de Mobiliteit van de Toekomst" in which she explains how we can reach the climate objectives for the transport sector. Since 2022 the book is also available in English. Cathy Macharis teaches several courses on the intersection of sustainability, mobility and decision making and developed the MAMCA methodology to give a voice to all stakeholders in sustainability issues in order to achieve better decision making. She is president of the Brussels Mobility Commission since 2007, providing advice to the Minister of Mobility, and is also a member of the federal commission on a just transition. She is the vice-chairwoman of Nectar (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research).
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1050 Brussels