Prof. dr. Imre Keserü
Prof. dr Imre Keserü is an assistant professor and team leader for urban mobility. In his previous positions, he developed policies for international transport at the Hungarian Ministry of Transport and was deputy head of unit at the Institute for Transport Sciences in Budapest. His main research themes include participatory evaluation of urban mobility projects, stakeholder involvement in transport planning, co-creation for mobility, analysis of travel time use and transport foresight. He has extensive experience in EU-funded research projects. He was involved in the participatory evaluation of future scenarios for mobility and transport in Europe (Mobility4EU project) and coordinated the Learning Loops in the Public Realm (LOOPER) project to develop a co-creation platform for urban issues. He also lead the Horizon2020 project INDIMO (Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions) and coordinates the StreetForum (Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools) and CONIFER (Co-imagining needs-based mobility visions for the proximity city) projects.
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