As part of the H2020 project, we are conducting research on the ban of fossil-fuel cars by 2035. We therefore invite you to fill out our survey.
We wish to hear your views with this survey and invite you to join a citizen panel about how to achieve an equitable and just transition to less-polluting mobility in Brussels. The aim of the panel is to develop recommendations to guide this transition so that it will be well-managed and just from the point of view of a diverse group of citizens, considering the needs of both current and future generations.
The citizen panel will be composed of a representative group of the population of the Brussels Capital Region and its periphery for which we are now searching for participants via this survey.
We thank you in advance for joining our discussion on this mobility transition.
You can also find more information about the citizens' debate and the affiliated project on this website.
To fill out the survey, please click one of the buttons below: