Looper project - Model - Evaluation
Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA) can be integrated into a co-creation process. Both are methods used to ascertain the optimal alternative among a range of alternatives by using criteria to compare scores. Whereas MCA show how sustainable (in an economic, environmental and social sense) the co-created ideas are, MAMCA gives an overview of stakeholder support for each idea. Together, these two methodologies facilitate reaching consensus between the different stakeholders on a co-created idea that is both sustainable and has support from (most) stakeholders.
The MAMCA online software can be used to carry out both an MCA and a MAMCA evaluation in an interactive way with visualization of the results.
Relevant deliverable: D3.3 Integrating evaluation tools in the LOOPER platform (2.08 MB) "pdf"
Citizens co-create alternatives to the status quo. It is, however, unknown whether these alternatives have a positive effect on sustainability (in the economic, environmental, and social sense) and it is unknown what the other stakeholders think of the co-created alternatives. The added value of MCA and MAMCA is the structured approach that goes beyond traditional stakeholder participation and that can help find consensus between stakeholders.