Looper project - Outputs - Papers
Ravetz, J. and Evans, J.E., (submitted). From islands of learning to 'collective urban intelligence': socio-technical experimentation for next-generation Living Labs. Urban Transformations (Special issue on Urban Living Labs).
Pappers, J., Keserü, I., Macharis, C. (2020, forthcoming). Participatory evaluation in transport planning: The application of Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis in co-creation to solve mobility problems in Brussels.
Pappers, J., Keserü, I., Evans, J., Astbury, J., Condotta, M., Ravetz, J., Scanagatta, C., Macharis, C. (2020, April 27-30). Solving urban problems through co-creation : The LOOPER project. Transport Research Arena 2020, Helsinki, Finland. (Conference canceled)
Pappers, J., Keserü, I., Macharis, C. (2020) Co-creation or Public Participation 2.0? An Assessment of Co-creation in Transport and Mobility Research. In: Müller B., Meyer G. (eds) Towards User-Centric Transport in Europe 2. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer, Cham.
Keserü, I., Ravetz, J., Evans, J., Astbury, J., Condotta, M., Pappers, J., Scanagatta, C., Macharis, C. (2019) Learning through co-creation: how to solve urban problems with citizens. Proceedings AESOP 2019.
Condotta, M., Scanagatta, C., Borga, G., Ruggeri, P., De Maria, M., Peron, F. (2019) Participatory sensing within co-creation: improving the transformation of the urban environment. The Verona case inside the LOOPER project. Proceedings AESOP 2019.
Pappers, J., Keserü, I., Macharis, C. (2019) Using co-creation methods to solve mobility problems in Brussels. Proceedings REAL CORP 2019.
Keserü, I., Pappers, J., Macharis, C. (2019) Getting citizens on board: new ways to involve citizens in transport planning. The LOOPER platform. Conference on Transport Sciences, ISBN: 9789638121868.
Condotta, M., Scanagatta, C. (2018) Enhancing community learning through learning loops inside urban living labs: how to improve co-design. ICERI2018 proceedings, 8680-8689. ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5. DOI:10.21125/iceri.2018.0597.
Scanagatta, C., Condotta, M. (2018) The learning loop method applied to urban living labs towards learning communities. EURAU18 Congress proceedings, 85-92. ISBN: 978-84-1302-003-7. DOI:10.14198/EURAU18alicante.
Ruggeri, P., Condotta, M., Scanagatta, C., Peron, F. (2018) Co-monitoraggio dell'inquinamento acustico nel progetto LOOPER: il caso studio di Verona SUD. 45° Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Acustica.
Condotta, M., Ruggeri, P., Scanagatta, C. (2017) The LOOPER project in South Verona. Officina*, 19, 64-67.
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