Remobilise - About
As we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions are quick to happen and can turn our world upside down. The existing plans and strategies for urban mobility in Brussels provide a thorough basis for transitioning towards more sustainable and inclusive mobility, but they fail to reflect the impact of systemic uncertainties and shocks. The purpose of Remobilise is to complement the contemporary debate on the future of mobility by raising awareness about the potential impacts of unexpected turns of events, and subsequently providing a set of findings and tools that will allow decision-makers to react and reassess their strategies quickly and efficiently when needed.
The goal of Remobilise is to build scenarios, visions and a strategy-building tool to foster the robustness of Brussels mobility policy making to these systemic uncertainties and shocks. The project addresses the following questions:
- Which key uncertainties are most impactful for mobility in Brussels in 2030 and 2050? How do they affect one another and how can we assemble them into plausible scenarios?
- How resilient are the existing visions for the Brussels mobility system?
- What strategies are robust in the face of the different scenarios?
- What are the impacts of these strategies for different members of society?
- What visions can be imagined as combinations of the strategies and scenarios for the years 2030 and 2050?
To address these questions, the project will:
- determine plausible explorative scenarios based on the different directions in which factors of fundamental uncertainties might evolve,
- formulate coherent strategies that are adequate and robust in the face of these scenarios,
- assess and compare the social, economic and ecological impacts of the strategies through a participatory appraisal that takes into account the unequal impacts for relevant stakeholders and members of society,
- develop a user-friendly dynamic tool, with which decision makers can instantly react to new crises to reassess the adequacy of their strategies, and
- create awareness and spark the imagination of decision makers and citizens through visual and tangible expressions of the scenarios, visions and impacts.
The key results include scenarios, strategies and visions to foster robust mobility policy, but also a novel scenario-strategy-building method, which will be concretised in a novel software application.

Remobilise will use different innovative methods to achieve its goals, including:
- Cross-impact balance analysis
- Participative scenario development
- Software application development
- Complementary communication activities