Remobilise - Researchers
Prof. dr. Imre Keserü
Prof. dr. Imre Keserü is an assistant professor and team leader for urban mobility at the Mobilise research group at the VUB. His main research themes include participatory evaluation of urban mobility projects, stakeholder involvement in transport planning, co-creation for mobility, analysis of travel time use and scenario building for urban mobility. He has extensive experience in EU-funded research projects. He has recently been involved in the participatory evaluation of future scenarios for mobility and transport in Europe (Mobility4EU project). He is also leading the Horizon2020 project INDIMO (Inclusive Digital Mobility Solutions) and coordinates the contribution of Mobilise to the SPROUT (Sustainable Policy Response to Urban Mobility Transitions) project.
Sara Tori
Sara Tori is a PhD researcher working in the Mobilise research group of the VUB. she has a background in international business. Her research is on the use of participatory scenario planning in mobility planning, exploring alternative futures to help decision making. Her other research interests include the involvement of children as stakeholders in mobility planning.
Dr. Geert te Boveldt
Geert te Boveldt is a postdoctoral research associate at the Mobilise research group of the VUB. He has a background in geography and spatial planning and currently works on sustainability and equity issues in transportation and energy. Part of his research explores the improvement of appraisal and decision-making methods, taking into account their underlying philosophies and the messy reality of real-world politics. His other research interests include travel behaviour design of public space and the promotion of active travel methods.